Dragon Actually - G.A. Aiken It's so embarrassingly delightful when a book I've mentally marked as nothing but porn manages to completely stun and amaze me.

Make no mistake, Dragon Actually is mostly fictional porn. But it's also a sweet, funny, and lovable story about a grumpy alpha dragon and his vicious yet vulnerable mate. And since it's been ages since I've made a list-review, allow me to make one now.

Dragon Actually managed to catch me off-guard by:

1. Making me laugh-out-loud (for real) after every other scene, which means I enjoyed this book a lot more than I was anticipating.

2. Giving me an X-rated version of Toothless for my oh-so-innocent daydreams, because it's impossible to imagine this guy doing anything besides eating fish, chasing light, and flying:

3. Ruining all other paranormal creatures for me, because now nothing but a hot dragon prince will do.

4. Creating a heroine with guts, wits, morals, and brains whom I never got annoyed with.

5. Introducing a large yet memorable cast of dragon royalty I can't wait to read more about.

6. Inserting a great short story on the unexpected love between a certain spoiled dragon queen and her scary consort, that I actually liked more than the main romance.

And finally:

7. HOT DRAGON SEX. 'Nuff said.

3.5/5 stars

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